Sunday, March 28, 2010

Unpacking: Revival in Alabama

I returned from my missions trip to Alabama on March 2. I was only there for a week but it has taken me almost a month to “unpack” and process it all.

Here is a link to some VIDEO HIGHLIGHTS!!! Enjoy!
Freedom Mission:
"A story of boys who fell in Love.
And a story of how Love set them free."
Password: ILikeGod

A team of 16 of us went and ministered at a drug rehab for adolescent boys. These were rough kids from rough backgrounds. To give you a taste of just how rough, I met individually with four boys and three out of the four of them had a father that was dead due to drug related violence! I learned on this trip that the most powerful tool we have as Christians to affect change is LOVE. This sounds so simple but the love isn't. I learned that this is no ordinary love. This is no sissy love. This is the love of the Father. This is the kind of love that lifts you up in the safety of his cupped hand and leads you right into the inner chamber of the Father’s Heart.

One day we were speaking life and prophesying over the boys. The Holy Spirit was giving us incredible words of knowledge for them.

(As an aside can I just say that he gift of prophesy is blowing my mind!).

One of the boys had a brace and crutches because he had sprained his ankle playing basketball. He told us that it was throbbing and that he could not move it at all because he was in a lot of pain. I asked him if we could pray for him and before I could even get out the words, “Holy Spirit come” He said, “my foot just stopped throbbing!”. We thanked God for what He was doing and kept praying. Within a minute or two he had the brace off, put the crutches on the ground and was walking around the room. You should have seen the looks on the boys’ faces when they saw the Kingdom touch this young man’s life. It was incredible. We were only there for a week but by the end of the week the boys were praising God, denouncing their gangs and walking in power themselves! They had been touched by the power of God and were radically changed.

Another day, we had two new boys come who had heard about what God was doing from the other boys. When they entered the group the boys said things like,
“These Guys talk to God! They are going to tell you things about yourself that will make you think they can read your mind! They told us how God sees us and it was all good things!”
It was so precious! So the team of us started prophesying over the two boys but something in my spirit didn’t feel right. I noticed that there didn’t seem to be as much power in our words as there had been the other day so I started asking God what to do. In that moment I felt the Holy Spirit come upon me and I heard him say, “Today, I want to move in power through the boys and not through the team”. So I told the boys and the team what I heard Holy Spirit say and quickly taught them how to listen to God. The boys started prophesying over each other and it was crazy powerful! That day I learned experientially what Paul meant in I Cor. 14 when he said that we should earnestly seek after spiritual gifts but most of all the gift of prophesy. I saw verses 24 and 25 come to life as the boys proclaimed

“God is really among you!”.